Saturday, September 09, 2006

St.Clair & Remote Viewer EXCLUSIVE

In a profound Pisces full moon conversation, opening passages of surreal perceptions rather than forming finite conclusions, renown Swiss cosmologist Michael St.Clair - author of the book Zen of Stars and enthusiast of amazing crop circles, time portals, mirages and mysterious occurences in the invisible world - talks to astrologer Teresa Ann Papac about the future of astrology, extra-terrestrial life, ancient gods, luminescent beings of light, the layered worlds we inhabit, and the hidden landscape of the mind.

Spell-binding... Brace yourself for a rare moment!

Non-classical suggestions offered by St.Clair create a fascinating adventure anchoring a different conception of multiple realities and the plausible origins of mankind -- more likely extra-terrestrial than made in "His image." This unusual interview - a Saturn-Neptune opposition product - makes altered mind states the norm, rather than the oddity. In it, the inspired Piscean astrologers discuss esoteric teachings, time travel, Krishnamurti - and The Morning of The Magicians dawns...


St.Clair exclusive interview
for The Remote Viewer
(seen by over
9,500 readers)

"Time is an illusion.
The moment you stop thought
time too stops."
- St.Clair

Swiss Astrologer St.Clair now exclusive consultant for:

Top team of Scandinavian world-class scientists -
with amazing success - fascinating topic selections
Expansion foreseen - Jupiter in Sagittarius 2007:
(Click any of the icons taking you on a grand tour)

St.Clair - class act -
at RMN in Full Moon