In a profound Pisces full moon conversation, opening passages of surreal perceptions rather than forming finite conclusions, renown Swiss cosmologist Michael St.Clair - author of the book Zen of Stars and enthusiast of amazing crop circles, time portals, mirages and mysterious occurences in the invisible world - talks to astrologer Teresa Ann Papac about the future of astrology, extra-terrestrial life, ancient gods, luminescent beings of light, the layered worlds we inhabit, and the hidden landscape of the mind.
Spell-binding... Brace yourself for a rare moment!
Spell-binding... Brace yourself for a rare moment!
Non-classical suggestions offered by St.Clair create a fascinating adventure anchoring a different conception of multiple realities and the plausible origins of mankind -- more likely extra-terrestrial than made in "His image." This unusual interview - a Saturn-Neptune opposition product - makes altered mind states the norm, rather than the oddity. In it, the inspired Piscean astrologers discuss esoteric teachings, time travel, Krishnamurti - and The Morning of The Magicians dawns...
"Time is an illusion.
The moment you stop thought
time too stops."
- St.Clair
Swiss Astrologer St.Clair now exclusive consultant for:

with amazing success - fascinating topic selections
Expansion foreseen - Jupiter in Sagittarius 2007:
(Click any of the icons taking you on a grand tour)

St.Clair - class act -
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